
Shipping Policy for Champion Shipping & Brokers™

Last Updated July 1st, 2021

Champion Shipping & Brokers™ Regulation

To ensure compliance with Bahamas customs regulations, all imports require detailed invoices to determine their value and applicable duties. These invoices must be legible and include itemized costs, applicable to both new and used goods. To facilitate customs clearance, send invoices to invoices@championshipping242.com.

Champion Shipping & Brokers offers clearance services for your goods, conditional upon receiving authorization to act as your agent. For this, a completed Bahamas Customs Form C 44 and a photocopy of a valid government ID are required.

Important Notice

DO NOT ALTER YOUR RECEIPTS. Modifying receipts will cause delays in the billing process.

If you’re shipping a DRONE

Registration with the Aviation Department is mandatory for drone shipments. This can be easily accomplished by registering at www.apps.bcaa.gov.bs/.

Hazardous, Illegal & Prohibited Items

Consult with our team prior to shipping items to your US address to ensure compliance. Familiarize yourself with the list of hazardous, illegal, and prohibited items to avoid legal consequences. It is imperative that the importation of any item complies with all relevant laws.

Prohibited Items List:

[Insert tailored list of prohibited items here]

If you need any additional information please feel free to visit Bahams Customs.

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